The careers programme at Emanuel is overseen by the Head of Careers and Employability and supported by the Head of Work-based Learning – these are experts within the school there to encourage, guide, inform and inspire pupils about their futures.   

Pupils leave Emanuel ready to take their next steps with confidence.

The school is fortunate to be able to draw on an inspiring pool of alumni, parents and members of the local community who generously support events and offer work placements, internships, mentoring and volunteering opportunities.

If you have any questions about careers guidance, please contact our Head of Careers and Employability: 

Lower and Middle School

Life Education, encouraging students to develop their self-awareness and become inquisitive about higher education and careers. Activity days supplement these sessions and are dedicated to developing workplace and entrepreneurial skills.  

Throughout pupils’ education careers information is intertwined with each subject’s curriculum and pupils are encouraged to link their academic options with future careers.   

During the Middle School, pupils take part in a full careers day, where they build employability skills through engaging challenges and events.    

All pupils are invited to take part in psychometric testing via the ‘Morrisby’ platform. Pupils receive a detailed report exploring their aptitudes, interests and preferences, linking these to suggested higher education options and careers. Each pupil has a one-to-one interview with a qualified careers advisor to ensure they maximise the benefit of the report and start a process of goal setting and career exploration.   

The school hosts information and taster events to support A level option decision making and invites Year 11 and Sixth Form pupils to attend the annual Careers and Higher Education Convention.   

Pupils are encouraged to organise at least one week of work experience to commence after the GCSE exams.  

Sixth Form

During Sixth Form pupils start to make decisions about life beyond Emanuel. Some pupils choose to take an alternative route to the traditional undergraduate degree, and we support everyone on an individual basis.   

There is an extensive programme of regular personal guidance interviews.Every pupil in Sixth Form has access to one-on-one meetings with the Head of Careers and Employability who is based in the Sixth Form Centre. Pupils can also arrange meetings or drop in to discuss ideas and seek guidance. Careers guidance continues to be integrated into Life Education and includes topics such as gap years, graduate jobs and independent living.   

Emanuel pupils are aspirational. To encourage this, they are given opportunities to attend networking events which focus on different career sectors, attend satellite events at high profile organisations and hear from a broad range of guest speakers. Previous satellite events have been generously hosted at the Central London offices of EY and Google. Through these activities pupils have gained valuable insight into what qualities and achievements are necessary for success in various sectors, as well as being inspired by the impressive offices the events take place in. 

The school has developed strong links a wide range of companies to give pupils access to apply for exciting internships during their time in Sixth Form.   

The Emanuel Next Steps Newsletter

The Emanuel Next Steps Newsletter is a round up of articles, news, opportunities and information. It is aimed at pupils in the Sixth Form to inspire them to think about their futures in a purposeful and positive way.

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 3

Issue 4

Issue 5

Issue 7

Issue 8 (Apprenticeship Week special)

Issue 9 (Online Insight Experiences special)

Issue 10

Issue 11