From September 2024: Scholarship and bursary forms become available to download from the school website on this page. Please do not submit a scholarship or bursary application before registering the candidate.
Friday 18th October 2024, midday: Deadline for acceptance of registrations.
Friday 18th October 2024, midday: Deadline for receipt of educational psychologist reports (if applicable), which are required to assess if a candidate qualifies for extra time or the use of a computer in the entrance exams.
Friday 18th October 2024, midday: Deadline for receipt of a copy of the applicant’s end of year 4 school report. Please note this is not sent by the primary/prep school – it must be sent by the parents and a copy can be posted as soon as it is received. Please do not scan and email as a hard copy is required.
Friday 1st November 2024: Deadline for receipt of scholarship and fee assistance applications. All sections of the application must be received by this date, including references.
Saturday 30th November 2024: Year 6 (10+) entrance exam. Details of exact timings will be sent to applicants in November. There will be a reserve date – please enquire about this if needed.
Saturday 18th, Monday 20th and Wednesday 22nd January 2025: Interview and group experience. Invitations to attend will be sent via email in early January.
Thursday 13th February 2025: Result letters sent by first class post. The outcome of applications will also be confirmed by email on Friday 14th February.
Week beginning Monday 25th February 2025: Offer holder events.
Wednesday 5th March 2025, midday: Acceptance deadline.