As well as awarding academic and co-curricular scholarships, Emanuel School is committed to widening access by offering fee assistance.

We wish no potential pupil to be discouraged by financial circumstances when making an application to the school.

Once registered, you will be contacted in September, the year before entry to download the relevant application forms from the website.

Please note all applicants must be registered candidates before a scholarship or bursary application can be made.


Scholarships are offered to exceptionally talented pupils in the following areas – academia, music, sport, drama and art – and are available at all entry points. Scholarships are typically 10%, but may be up to 50% and may also be combined with a fee assistance award to reach a completely free place, depending on financial need. It is possible for a pupil to hold more than one scholarship.

Please note all applicants must be registered candidates before a scholarship or bursary application can be made. Application forms will be available starting in September.

Further information and the application forms for each co-curricular scholarship can be found in the menu below.



Fee Assistance (bursary)

The level of fee-remission is dependent on financial need and can be up to 100%, including covering the costs of uniform and school meals.

Your child must be registered before you make a bursary application.

Academic Scholars provision

Provision for Scholars at Emanuel is inclusive, meaning that all enrichment opportunities are also available for all other pupils, in line with our More Able and Talented policy.  

All Academic Scholars and Exhibitioners attend a half-termly meeting with the SMT Associate (Academic Enrichment). The format of this is informal, involving discussion around activities pupils have been involved in, feedback and comments on Expo events attended and reminders of relevant events such as competitions and challenges to participate in. It is also an opportunity to share content, research or other ideas where appropriate and is an opportunity for departments or staff to publicize events or share information about enrichment activities.  

The range of academic enrichment opportunities is wide and reaches every year group and almost every field of academic activity from maths and sciences to humanities. Details are below with links to more information. 

Within the classroom:  

Teachers provide regular extension and stretch opportunities for all more able pupils as a matter of course. This is reinforced by specific, detailed Challenge Tips shared with teaching staff fortnightly, as well as half-termly Teaching & Learning Committee sessions which focus on teaching methods, research and strategies to underpin teaching practice. Slides from these sessions are also shared with staff unable to attend.  


Beyond the classroom: 

  • Weekly Clubs for all year groups: full list of specifically academic clubs and societies 
  • Peripatetic academic competitions and challenges : both internal and inter-school or national. 
  • Fortnightly Expo events providing a platform to engage with subjects beyond the classroom and curriculum and explore links between subjects. Scholars are expected to attend at least 3 events per term.  
  • In Lower School, the Inspired Learners Award creates further structured incentive and opportunity for enrichment and challenge for Scholars and all other Year 7 and Year 8 pupils under the ethos of ‘explore, experiment, exceed expectations’ and celebrates pupils who show curiosity, creativity and commitment to subjects. This is awarded on a termly basis in recognition of contributions throughout the full term. Pupils enjoy these stimulating opportunities to explore subjects in different ways and teachers appreciate being able to reward pupils who might not get the top grades but are very invested in their subject. 
  • In Middle School, the Year 11 Stretch Programme is a very popular initiative offered to aspirational Year 11 pupils as part of their preparation for the selection of A Level subjects. This also starts early the process of deepening subject knowledge and sharpening research and critical thinking skills. Scholars are invited to participate.  
  • In Sixth Form, the university mentoring support and the carefully tailored Oxbridge Mentoring Programme ensure that Scholars can feel confident in aiming for the very highest educational and professional goals and will be fully supported at every step. The Judt Group further deepens exposure to foundational intellectual content, ideas, discussion and debate and Sixth Form Scholars are invited and encouraged to participate.  

Fee Assistance (bursaries)

Year 13

The experiences unlocked by my bursary, not just in terms of academics, but also all the co-curricular activities beyond the classroom, have widened my perspectives, and the encouragement and support here has shaped me into a more confident and optimistic person.
Without the nurturing and passionate teaching at Emanuel, I don’t think I would have received a place to study Medicine at Oxford.