On Saturday, it was 6CAL’s turn to join Christchurch Primary’s Year 6 pupils at their site as part of our collaborative enrichment programme.
The children worked together in workshops exploring puppetry and physical theatre. The workshops were facilitated by our long standing partner, Bigfoot Arts education – a truly talented team.
In the puppetry workshop, the children worked in small Christchurch/Emanuel groups to make their puppets and then used them to act out different scenes. The puppets were quite large so each team member was responsible for a limb – great for co-ordination and teamwork!
In the physical theatre workshop, each group learned to work together to tell a story through physical expression and positioning. The children worked brilliantly together, got to know each other better and, importantly, had fun!
Our enrichment programme with Christchurch Primary will continue in the spring with more interactive, highly collaborative workshops planned.
Lisa Irwin (Deputy Development and Community Partnerships Director)