On Wednesday 3rd February, Emanuel’s cross-country squad was in action at the London Schools Championships.
The usually inhospitable Wormwood Scrubs Park was strangely welcoming with mild weather and good conditions underfoot. In all we took 34 athletes each competing in races of approximately 100 runners and we returned home with 15 medals. Individually, Fleur (Year 11) won the inter girls race and Daniel (Upper Sixth) came third in the senior boys race, both automatically qualifying to represent London at the English Schools cross-country championships. In the inter boys age category Harry (Year 11) and Hugo (Year 10) were both also selected for the London Squad. There was also a third place for Harry (Year 7) in the junior boys B event.
Our teams fared well too, with the inter boys and junior girls B team both gaining silver medals and the senior boys squad won bronze. Well done to all that ran!
Mr King (Teacher of Physics)