At the end of the summer term, the school hosted two CRY screening days.
A total of 164 children were screened from years 11 to 13.
CRY (Cardiac Risk in the Young) is a charity which aims to prevent young sudden cardiac deaths through awareness, screening and research (
CRY hold (extremely over-subscribed) public screenings, but this year the Emanuel Parents Association paid for two full days at Emanuel for pupils at a cost of £10,000
The screening involves an extensive questionnaire and an ECG. This is read by a cardiologist on site.
A pupil could then have an Echocardiogram on site or be referred on to either their own GP or secondary healthcare for further tests if required.
The cost increases to £6,000 in 2023 which is a significant sum for the EPA to raise, costing approximately £65.00 per pupil to screen. Parent and pupil engagement are vital if future sessions are arranged.
Outcomes from this year’s screening include a number of pupils being referred on for further tests and specialist input, demonstrating how important this screening is in helping to prevent a tragic event.
The EPA wishes to thank the school for enabling us to run these screening days, in particular Johanna Henderson who was instrumental in the co-ordination of the event.
Harriet Reid (EPA Charity Trustee)