Over the past two weekends, we have had 90 Year 10 students and 123 Year 9 students out on DofE Expeditions.
The Year 10s went on their practice expedition, with 75 of them walking and 15 canoeing. This was a particular challenge since last year there was no camping (due to covid). This meant carrying heavier packs than ever before and cooking and camping outside for the first time. They all did amazingly well, enjoying the weather, the New Forest scenery and the occasional marshmallow! They are well prepared for their qualifying expedition during field week at the end of the summer term.
The Year 9s attended their qualifying expedition in the Surrey Hills enjoying glorious weather on the Saturday followed by rain on the Sunday. They all dealt well with these conditions and independently navigated between check points to successfully complete the expedition section of their bronze DofE award. Well done to all pupils involved!
Mr Chuter (DofE Coordinator)