Last Sunday those pupils heading to the Edinburgh Fringe festival this summer treated a lively audience to an evening of cabaret entertainment in the Hampden Hall.

We discovered what the iceberg that sunk the titanic has been doing for the last few years (creating music), what a cowboy and their steed would sing to each other (Islands in the Stream), who killed Aron (Caspar), how best to end a show (with a twenty minute set from The Molotovs) and, most importantly, who won the raffle (Mr G Jones, Mrs K Dundas, Mrs N Wu, Mrs Shuttleworth, Cara and Izzy).

A big well done to everyone who took part especially Harry for compering and thank you to Ben, Emma, Bridget, Mariela, Izzy and Matthew who are not coming on the trip but took part both onstage and technically.

Thank you to everyone who came to support the event and especially those who donated raffle ticket prizes. It was a very enjoyable and successful evening raising the money we need in order to pay for our shows in Edinburgh this summer.

These shows are now on sale through the Edinburgh box office and there will be preview shows for both in school on the 4th July.

Miss Kerstein

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