Both pupils and parents are able to access our library catalogue (Accessit) from home by clicking here.
Pupils can also access their personal account by using their Emanuel School Single Sign On (SSO) details. This shows what they have on loan, what they have previously borrowed and allows them to make reservations on popular items.
The Quick Lists option has a massive range of selected reading lists, the majority are fiction, but departmental subject lists are now also gradually being added.
If your child is struggling to find something to read this is the best place to start. Simply select your list, scroll through and each individual title has an accompanying blurb.
Samples of great lists to use for the Lower School include:
Carnegie Medal 2021 Shortlist
Diverse Voices
Graphic Novels: Stan Lee Award
Villains We Love to Hate
Year 6-9 Carnegie Medal nominees down the years
Year 6 ‘Wow’ Reads!
Year 6-8 Action and Adventure
Year 6-8 Fun and Comedy
Year 6-8 Terrific Novels Recommendations
Year 6 2021 Top Titles and Top Tips (these are all new books aimed at this age group)
Year 7 2021 Top Titles and Top Tips (these are all new books aimed at this age group)
Year 8 2021 Top Titles and Top Tips (these are all new books aimed at this age group)
Year 6-10 Novels Written in Verse
Year 6-8 Recommended Reads (list per year group)
There are also lots of recommended lists on the library Firefly page, but the Quick Lists are much more current and are updated very frequently.
If you have any questions about reading I can be contacted on
Mr Jones (Senior Librarian)