The 2019 Foundation Essay Competition was run between four schools within The United Westminster and Grey Coat Foundation: Emanuel, Grey Coat Hospital, Sutton Valence and Queen Anne’s School.
Year 11 pupils from the academic year 2018-19 were asked to submit, at the beginning of the autumn term 2019, an independent, self-directed piece of research on a subject of their choice, culminating in a 2,500 word paper. This is the competition’s eighth year and a celebration dinner was hosted at Emanuel on Thursday 28th November 2019 for all participating students.
The top six essays were announced by Dr Nicholas Perkins, Associate Professor; Tutorial Fellow, St Hugh’s College, University of Oxford. Two Emanuel students were awarded prizes: Friederike Rueckert for her examination of the extent to which climate change could be considered the greatest threat to humanity’s future and Miranda Barclay for her analysis of whether the nature of Western politics breeds dictatorship.
Mr Andrews (Teacher of History)