We were absolutely delighted to welcome Mr Michael Mills (OE1948-55) back to school last Wednesday for a quick tour and a fascinating sift through his amazing collection of Emanuel memorabilia, some of which is included in the photos.

Included in Michael’s lovingly preserved collection were some athletics, rugby, cricket photos and an impressive collection of clippings, sports programmes, fixture lists, Speech (prize) Day and drama programmes.


In his day Michael was an outstanding sportsman whose achievements included playing 1st XV rugby, 1st XI cricket, 1st VI tennis team and 1st Fives. Michael was also school champion for both cross country (1955) and boxing in the 9st 10lbs weight class. We wonder whether many children of 2021 would like to see House Boxing return as an event!? (the Hipkins Boxing Cup was last contested in the early 1970s).

Should the above list of sports not be impressive enough, in addition, Michael was a regular member of the Athletics squad (also pole vault champion) and played on the table tennis team. Should anybody out there (either OE, parent or current pupil) have a more impressive sporting school resume, we would be delighted to hear from them!

In his final year at Emanuel, Michael had the good fortune to be awarded an English Speaking Union Scholarship to the USA, spending a year at Hackley School, Tarrytown, NY. During this time he switched sporting codes (after initially trying ‘American’ football) and played ‘soccer’, being selected for the NY All Ivy League team.

Michael was never afraid to try his hand at new sporting ventures and in his American winter term was persuaded to take up wrestling and, amazingly as a novice, finished runner up in the NY state championships in the 154lb class. Not long after returning from the USA, which included a long spell hitchhiking, Michael undertook his National Service and served as a Second Lieutenant in the Lancashire Fusiliers, playing rugby for the Army Team in Cyprus against the RAF. He continued to play rugby and cricket for the Old Boys for a couple of years, however his business career, initially in the travel industry, took up too much of his time.

We were delighted to photograph Michael with three sporting snaps in which he features from the 1950s era. It is always such a pleasure to catch up with OEs, their stories and have new photos and school memorabilia added to our collection.

Tony Jones (School Archivist)