A few months ago, we were delighted to report that former Director of Rugby, Alan Friell, had been awarded a retrospective full Scotland international rugby cap. Al had a highly distinguished playing career, which included many ‘B’ internationals for his home nation, but the full cap eluded him (until now).

This is what Big Al had to say of this lovely occasion:

“These are two official photographs from the recent capping ceremony. It took place in The President’s Suite in Murrayfield along with many family members and friends. Colin Rigby, the SRU President, presented ‘The Caps’ and former Scottish internationalist Chris Paterson gave a short talk on each player.

We then watched the Scottish team prepare for the huge Calcutta Cup game v England at Murrayfield and then they took our photo with the team.

On my right, as you look at the photo, is one of my former Dulwich Prep pupils who I introduced to the Scottish system when I picked him whilst coaching the Anglo Scots District team.

I hope everybody at Emanuel did not get too excited over the Scotland England result!”

We are absolutely delighted for the incredibly popular Mr Friell (whose main sport in retirement is lawn bowls). If he had been playing in today’s modern rugby world, who knows how many caps he would have earned?”

Tony Jones, Archivist

Alan Friell

Scotland capping ceremony at Scottish Gas Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh on February 23, 2024 (Photo by Craig Williamson / SNS Group)


(Photo by Craig Williamson / SNS Group)