Primary Ambitions officially began on Friday 27th September where we were able to welcome 13 primary schools from our local area into Emanuel School for the afternoon.
The idea of the programme is to offer the pupils from these primary schools an opportunity to experience what life is like at Emanuel on a Friday afternoon and where the teaching is carried out not by Emanuel staff, but by our very own Lower Sixth students.
As all 270 children began to arrive on site with their teachers, the Lower Sixth were on hand to guide them to their designated venues where each Primary Ambitions module would begin. Overall, there were 16 activities taking place which were all managed effectively by our Lower Sixth students. These included sessions based on art, maths, music, science, classics, Latin, drama, English, politics, filmmaking, gymnastics, multisport, robotics and modern foreign languages.
It was incredible to see our Lower Sixth embracing their teacher roles and soon beginning to form positive working relationships with the primary school pupils. The primary pupils were excellently behaved and full of positive energy and they loved receiving the stickers in their passport booklets to certify that had completed their first week of the Primary Ambitions module. Our Lower Sixth students are already excited and looking forward to the primary pupils returning to Emanuel School this Friday.
John Barber (Head of Primary Partnerships)