Primary Ambitions is primarily run on site. Occasionally, though, our partner schools are keen to participate but have insufficient staff available to accompany their children to Emanuel. In these cases, where we can, we take Primary Ambitions to them. This was the situation with one of our partners, Fulham Primary, recently. Oscar (Lower Sixth) describes his experience below. 

‘Our time at Fulham Primary School was an amazing experience for all. It was a fun opportunity for the children to do some extra-curricular maths that they normally wouldn’t be able to do, such as drawing fractals or creating their own Fibonacci sequences. It also gave them a head-start on more complex topics, not usually taken up until secondary school, like Pythagoras’ Theorem. Not only this, but over the five-week period they got to know the Emanuel students; older role models whom they looked up to. We were able to give them advice and answer any questions they had surrounding life as a secondary school pupil, helping them prepare.

But it wasn’t just beneficial for the children; it was great for us as well. The children were lovely, passionate about maths, and an all-round joy to teach. It is a great way to end the week, and great experience to have under our belts.’

 Oscar (Lower Sixth)