In August of 2021 I won the England National Touch Tournament for the Southeast Tipans playing in the girls U18 team. I was the youngest player in the team and had only been playing touch rugby for 3 years at the time. It was an amazing experience and one of my greatest achievements.
Afterwards, I was selected by the England touch association to become part of the England training squad for the second time after the first was cut short in 2020 due to covid. Through a tough selection process over 8 months, I was selected for the U18s Mixed Touch team. The team consists of people from all over England, however myself and one girl from my local club are the only people representing the South of England.
Now that I have been selected, I have a weekend-long training camp to attend in Nottingham before going to the Junior Touch Championships. This year the championships are being held in Vichy, France from the 12th-14th of August.
Emma (Year 11)