From the 25th to 29th April around 360 pupils from Years 6, 7 and 8 took part in WasteLESS Week to help raise awareness about what we can do as a school community to reduce food waste and to create positive habits towards living more sustainably.

In UK households, we waste 6.5 million tonnes of food every year, 4.5 million tonnes of which is edible. This is enough to fill 38 million wheelie bins or 90 Albert Halls! These are not items like eggshells or chicken bones but the last few bites that you can’t quite manage, or your bread crusts, or potato skins – all the things which could have been transformed into something delicious.

During WasteLESS week pupils made sure to ask only for what they thought they could eat and ensure that no good food went to waste at the end of their lunch. Stickers were awarded for each clean plate and those who committed to this continuously over the week were awarded with prizes in the Hampden Yard.

Miss Preston (Teacher of Geography)