Food production takes a tremendous toll on the environment. If the Western world could simply cut down on food waste it would be the equivalent of taking one in four cars off the roads.

Last week the Eco Committee ran the first WasteLESS Week of year. Pupils are encouraged to clean their plates each lunchtime and are given a sticker each time they do so. The more stickers they collect the bigger the prizes. Over 160 pupils (about half of all pupils in Years 6, 7 and 8) collected prizes, with 24 collecting all five stickers, earning themselves a place in the grand prize draw for a tuck shop voucher (with a much coveted queue skip!).

This year we cut waste from an average of 270kg a week to 155kg during Wasteless Week – not quite the 50% we were aiming for, but still a tremendous effort.

Huge thanks to Salome, Vivienne, Fia and Kate in the Eco Committee for helping with plate-checking and sticker-sticking.

Mr Hale (Eco Coordinator)

Year 6 pupils clear their plates!