After learning about public speaking in Life Education last term, students were invited to take part in the Year 7 Public Speaking Competition. Students worked on their speeches over half-term and then performed these in their form groups and two winners were selected from each form to go through to the final competition.

On 15th November, fourteen Year 7 students performed their speeches in front of parents and four judges: Mr Turner, Mrs Brown, along with the two heads of school, Tom and Phoebe.

The theme of the evening was ‘Our World’ and speeches focused on a variety of topics such as: climate change, sea turtles, statues, animal rights and the importance of charity.

The standard of the competition was incredibly high which is a testament to our very talented Year 7 pupils. It was difficult for our judges to make the inevitable decision about winners, but after much deliberation Lauren (7PM) and Selina (7CJR) who gave two phenomenal speeches about climate change and animal rights were awarded as runners-up.

A huge congratulations goes to our winner Gethin (7AFH) who memorised his speech and blew the judges away with his passion to help those less fortunate get into sports and encourage them to find their happy place.

Should you wish to watch the event, it can be found here.

Miss McCloud (Head of Year 7)