Mr Morrison’s Year 8 Latin class recently completed a project on Ovid’s myth of Echo and Narcissus. This tragic story involves the beautiful hunter Narcissus who falls in love with his own reflection in the water of a lake, transfixed by his own image and transforming into a flower.
On Friday 24th June, the lesson moved to the eco-garden to recreate the location of the story. After reading the myth and analysing Ovid’s use of imagery, students made origami Narcissus flowers with a summary of Narcissus’ transformation on each petal.
Students also produced some fantastic artwork, cakes and sketches based on the myth, pictured below. This marks the end of a very successful year with a wonderful class, and sets the scene for Year 9 where Narcissus appears as a character in the Cambridge Latin Course.
Mr Morrison (Teacher of Latin)
Ellie – Narcissus’ transformation
Sera – Echo
Anna – Narcissus admires his reflection in the pool
Ruby – a cake based on the Narcissus flower
Max – Narcissus drowns
Zara – Echo admires the transformed Narcissus