This week we reached out to our partner primary schools to see if and how we could help during the Covid-19 crisis.
Christ Church CE Primary School is a longstanding Emanuel partner school and part of the Primary Ambitions programme and enrichment initiative. Watch the video of the Christ Church Head speaking about the impact of the partnership here.
Many of the children that attend Christ Church are on Free School Meals and have little to no access to books at home. Now that schools and libraries are closed, they face months without enough books to read.
The most effective projects are those that are two-way and we partner with a range of schools. We work collaboratively with state secondary schools on projects such as public speaking, a Model United Nations conference, a number of concerts as well as art projects and film-making schemes.
We would like to help address this issue by providing a small bundle of books to as many Christ Church children as possible. Christ Church has provided us with a list of suggested books. If you are keen to support our appeal, please follow the link below or click here, and select the books you would like to donate. The books will be sent directly to Christ Church Primary. They will accept deliveries, group the books and distribute to the families most in need. Be assured, through this initiative, we will have a direct impact on our partner school children who most need our help.
Lisa Irwin (Deputy Development and Community Partnerships Director)