There are approximately 60 clubs and societies on offer at Emanuel School, with a large fair every September in which pupils are encouraged to explore the clubs on offer and sign up to get involved.
Below, pupils discuss some of the clubs and societies they enjoy attending each week.
Junior History Society
“Junior History Society meets every Wednesday to explore some of our favourite moments from the past. Members give presentations explaining some of the most famous times. Recent topics have included: the space race, The Punic Wars and a comparison between Richard Nixon and Donald Trump. We eat biscuits whilst discussing very informative, and sometimes humorous, moments from History. During the coronavirus pandemic, we’ve moved onto Zoom, we’ll not let Covid-19 stop our love of History and from being historians together!” (Manasseh 7AFH)
Junior Equality Society
“The Junior Equality Society have been continuing with the club via Zoom for the past few weeks. We are very happy to be picking up where we left off in talking about the Equality Act and have recently been debating the Equality aspects of Covid-19. We are really happy to be able to carry on during these unusual times and love to see our fellow members in our weekly meetings. We hope that by the end of lockdown the world will be a lot more equal. Anybody can spread the virus!” (Maja 7AFH – Founder of Junior Equality Society)
Doctor Who Club
“Doctor Who is an amazing sci-fi show packed with aliens and adventure – it is very popular and Mr Morrison has uploaded various episodes from David Tennant’s series on Firefly whilst we are in lockdown. We watch a different episode every week and get to eat haribos and skittles which is an incentive for everyone. One week, Mr Adams brought in the original head of a Mara, which is an alien that the 5th Doctor battled in season 20!” (Imogen and Phoebe, 8RDC)
Junior Philosophy Club
“Junior Philosophy club have continued to meet (albeit virtually) on Monday lunchtimes. We have missed the usual chocolate biscuits but have enjoyed discussion on whether Plato’s approach to knowledge is more convincing than Aristotle’s and on whether we could be living in a simulation (Nick Bostrum’s simulation argument is fascinating if you haven’t come across is before!).”
“I enjoy doing philosophy club because we get to think deeper about certain topics and explore different philosophical ideas which you might not discuss in class.”