The Junior Equality Society members have been incredibly impressive again this term.
Members have been researching, presenting and debating issues such as ‘Stereotyping Asian People’, Mary Seacole and John Archer for Black History Month, Ruth Bader Ginsberg and School Sports Provision and Gender. These discussions are pupil-led, with pupil research and resources and are always very respectful but still challenging mainstream preconceptions and each other’s ideas. It is a true reflection of the diversity of thought and independence of mind of our student body – and incredibly fun to be part of.
The Junior Equality Society Christmas party took place on Friday 4th December, coinciding nicely with Christmas Jumper Day.
Next term we will have guests and topics such as ‘What about the men?’ and ‘Gender & Body Language’. All Year 8s are welcome in person, Fridays at 1.15pm in K3 and to Year 7 and Year 9 on Zoom.
Dr Ni Cheallaigh (Teacher of French)