This Thursday was National Poetry Day and we celebrated in style at Emanuel!
All week pupils were encouraged to write haiku poems based on the theme of the day, which this year was Truth. The best of these were projected in the Hampden Hall at lunchtime in a celebration of poetry – see a sample below.
Year 6 and 7 were also treated to special poetry lessons in English where they wrote their own poems about truth, inspired by poetry by Simon Mole, a spoken word poet.
Some people fear truth,
Like thieves after robbery,
The truth will catch them.
– Finn Askins 7HEB
What’s the deal with truth?
Everyone needs some lee-way,
To tell it their way.
– Jolie Packman 8WGD
Ice caps are melting,
The water levels rising.
Trump calls it fake news.
– Piper Berg 9RET
Miss Routledge (Head of English)