Yesterday, 23rd April, was Shakespeare’s birthday. Why not celebrate by watching some of the incredible productions that have been made available for free online?

Twelfth Night

The National Theatre’s incredible, gender-bending production of Twelfth Night, with Tamsin Greig as a female Malvolio.

The Tempest

The Globe’s 2013 production of The Tempest, available on BBC iPlayer here (perfect for Year 6, who will be studying it this term!).

A Midsummer Night’s Dream

Another dazzling production from the Globe on BBC iPlayer here, this time A Midsummer Night’s Dream (perfect for Year 7, who will be studying it this term!).

Patrick Stewart’s Sonnets

If you’ve been keeping up with Patrick Stewart’s reading of Shakespeare’s sonnets, he’s still going, and is now on sonnet 38. Yesterday, he even treated us to a speech from Henry V. Find him on Instagram @sirpatstew


If that’s not enough, there are a host of wonderful productions on DramaOnline and two series of Shakespeare Uncovered, in which famous actors delve into the performance history of Shakespeare’s most celebrated plays. To access, use

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Miss Routledge (Head of English)