The spring term saw the charity committee bring some spiritual sunshine to the otherwise cloudy days.

House Clyde sold Easter themed chocolate cupcakes as one of their House Charity events. As always, the catering team makes fantastic treats, and there was a good sized queue of hungry children at break clamoring over who will end up buying the last one. Over £200 was raised for WWF.

The sixth form first netball girls took on the first rugby boys in our annual charity netball match. £150 was raised for Alzheimer’s UK. Anna on the charity committee watched the match and collected donations from spectators. She had this to say: “The competition was fierce, with the girls easily taking the lead early on. The boys crept up behind them in the second half, but with a few minutes left the girls widened the gap yet again. Both teams played amazingly but ultimately the girls won, as they historically always have. A great game by all and was thoroughly enjoyed by both players and spectators!”

A small group of brave year 7 girls abseiled down the Pelican Hotel in Tooting to raise money for St George’s Hospital. Whilst genuinely terrifying being held up by thin ropes 13 floors up in the cold rain, it was fun and for a good cause. Our target of £120 per person was easily surpassed as we ended up raising nearly £2000 total, putting us comfortably in the top 10% of all fundraisers for this event. Charlotte who was the first to go down had this say: “Four friends, and I, as well as the charity coordinator Mr. Shetzer, abseiled off the roof of the Pelican hotel, to raise money for St Georges Hospital. Once we were harnessed, we climbed up to the roof, and I stupidly looked down! It was daunting! I went first, and we started off by having to lean back off the side of the roof, with our heels off the edge! Once we got past the fear, about halfway down, it was fine, and I think we all got the hang of it in the end. Phew!”

Futhermore, over the Easter holidays Year 8 pupils have undertaken some fundraising activities to support the development of their social entrepreneurship projects and managed to raise over £4100 for Climate Ed!

Mr Shetzer, Charity Coordinator & Teacher of Physics