Last month we ran a post on our alumni Facebook page about an old launch boat, the ‘Colonel Charles’, which was used on the river in the 1960s and 70s.
It was built by the Emanuel School Boatman John Cork, who later coached the 1st VIII towards the end of the decade, including some of the best ever Emanuel crews. As well as being a fantastic coach John was an incredible craftsman. In the following discussion on the post an OE asked what happened to the Colonel; we had no idea, but the answer soon came our way when we heard from former Emanuel Captain of Boats, Mr Luke Dillon (from 2006-07) who is now a Steward at Henley Royal Regatta. Luke revealed:
“I saw your post about the old Emanuel Launch, Colonel Charles and thought you would be interested to hear a little more of its recent history. The boat eventually found its way into the possession of Chas Newens Marine, based in Putney, who re-named it Celeste. They used it for many years as the umpire boat for the Isis Goldie Boat Race.
Eventually it was offered for sale, and [the late] Nigel Smith (OE) was working for Chas at the time. He pointed it out to my father and I and because of the provenance of the boat, as well as the craft itself, it was too lovely an opportunity to pass up and we bought it. Attached are some pictures from 2008 when we took it to Henley [also photos from 1962/3 superimposed from not long after John Cork built it]. In 2010 we took it off the water for restoration and it has been laid up awaiting more intrusive work. Hopefully we will get it back on the river at some point in the future. I suspect from the photos it was originally blue so may have to consider a change of colour!”
We’re sure we echo the thoughts of many OEs and are absolutely thrilled to discover the boat is still around and, just as important, still in the Emanuel family. Hopefully next time we hear of the craft Luke will have renamed it, Colonel Charles!
Tony Jones (Senior Librarian & Archivist)