Hill form really enjoyed World Book Day.
Once everyone arrived, we all inspected each other’s costumes; Lexie had surprisingly dressed up as the same character (Professor Trelawney) as Miss McCloud! Firstly, we were introduced to Sulivan Primary School. They joined us for our workshop about dystopian settings, where we read extracts from different dystopian books like The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, led by Mr Healy. After reading the extracts, we all wrote our own setting descriptions for our own dystopian stories. After the workshop, we were all looking forward to our infamous tuck shop cookies!
After a tiring game of 64 people bulldog, we settled down to a workshop about creating a dystopian protagonist led by Miss McCloud. We were all inspired by Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games. A few people read out their descriptions, now including their protagonists, to Sulivan and Hill form including Sophia and Douglas.
Douglas and Rory as the Weasley twins from Harry Potter
After lunch, Sarah Govett, who wrote The Territory, came in to talk to us about her series of books. She told us her inspirations for her own dystopian series and how, fingers crossed, it might be made into a TV series! Sarah told us the effect of global warming was her inspiration for the Wetlands and the pressure on young people caused by examinations influenced her story. She also included her research about if The Territory could be true, and become our future. For those of you who don’t know this could mean you could plug a device into the back of your neck to upload information from the internet and malaria may come to Britain. All of this could happen by 2030! In the not so distance future, a majority of the world could be underwater due to climate change. At the end of the day we all got our The Territory books signed and had the opportunity to speak one on one with Sarah Govett.
Author Sarah Govett discusses characters in her novel 'The Territory'
To end the day, there was some prizes to give out. Eva was awarded ‘Best dystopian descriptions shared’ for her great description of her dystopian protagonist, and Sophie was awarded ‘Best costume’ for her expert Pippi Longstocking hair! Two members of Sulivan Primary School were also given prizes. Before heading home, we all said goodbye to Sarah Govett and Sulivan Primary School.
Thank you to Miss McCloud for organising this for us!
Lexie, Karina and Zara (Hill form)
Sophie's Pippi Longstocking hair