In Drama, our Lower Sixth students have just completed their third rotation of the Primary Ambitions Comedy and Mask workshops, this time with Alderbrook and Sacred Heart Primary Schools.
Over the past few months the Emanuel students have risen to the challenge of teaching a practical subject brilliantly, communicating with the primary pupils with warmth and joy. We began the course by learning about comedic physicality and the primary pupils played games with the Sixth Form teachers to help them gain confidence. By session 3 we were trying on masks and learning how comedians use masks in performances to make their audiences laugh.
In the final session both primary schools created wonderful mini-plays which they performed to one another, demonstrating fairytales through their physicality and masks.
The children’s exposure to these sessions has brought out their self-confidence.
– Primary Teacher
I have learned about archetypes and the steps of wearing a mask.
– Primary Pupil
Everyone had huge amounts of fun and all of our Sixth Form teachers will miss these classes an enormous amount as they move on to their next project in the Primary Ambitions programme.
Mr Barber (Head of Primary Partnerships)