Musical Advert – composing, scripting and filming your own advert
Members of the Lower Sixth have been working with pupils from Glenbrook and Christchurch Primary Schools on making musical adverts this term. Working in groups, the visitors have invented their own products and logos in addition to working out scripts and music for their adverts using Garage Band on iPads. They have also analysed some existing adverts to see how they work and to get some inspiration. Products have ranged from “Superboots”, robotic angel wings and peanut butter chicken.
The Lower Sixth students have taken turns to present plenary sessions and have individually worked with groups, showing patience, initiative and encouraging quieter pupils to “come out of their shells” as well as beginning to learn the art of questioning. They have also learnt a great deal about the possibilities of the Garage Band App. Several adverts have been filmed on iPads and the Garage Band music incorporated using iMovie. All in all, a great learning process for all.
John Barber (Head of Primary Partnerships)